E s c a p G a m

Région Normandie

Escape Game
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games
Play the escape games

We have been briefed to create a collection of four serious games hand to hand with the “Agence Régionale de l'Orientation et des Métiers de Normandie”.

Escape game #1

Le souvenir perdu

Discovering health and social professions

Escape game #2

Le chantier inachevé

Discovering the building trades

Escape game #3

Le projet en danger

Discovering the digital professions

Escape game #4

Coupure générale !

Discovering the energy professions

For each game, the user explores the dedicated universe and dives into the experience by pointing and clicking on the visible objects on the decor.

To progress, he has to unlock and solve enigmas which lead the gamer to a list of pedagogical content. We collaborated and designed an adaptable gameplay that can be duplicated for any professional section.

One of the objectives of the games was to use them for career expos. This is why it was essential to make them mobile friendly, so they could be easily manipulated by young populations.
